Conversion to Judaism
«The Holy One, blessed be He, has more love for the proselyites than for the people of Israel. The former sought out and accepted the Torah of their own free will, while the latter were presented with a fait accompli at Mount Sinai.» (Tanchuma Lekh Lekha 6)
Conversion to Judaism is a significant and transformative process through which individuals adopt the Jewish faith and way of life, becoming part of the Jewish community. This journey, known as giyur in Hebrew, involves a deep commitment to Jewish beliefs, practices, and the cultural heritage of the Jewish people. The conversion process culminates in circumcision for males and an interview with a Beth Din (rabbinical court) confirming commitment to Judaism, immersion in a Mikvah, a ritual bath symbolizing spiritual purification and rebirth, and a blessing ceremony. The importance of conversion extends beyond the individual; it enriches the Jewish community by bringing in new perspectives and experiences, fostering diversity within the tradition.
Rabbi Haim has always seen it as a priority of contemporary Judaism to receive those who wish to convert, and especially to encourage the conversion of spouses and children of Jewish fathers. In his twenty years of rabbinate, Rabbi Haim trained hundreds of proselytes throughout all Europe and US. He will ensure the candidate's training by distance learning (the candidate will need to be actively involved in a local Jewish community) and arrange the formal conversion, which will be carried out in accordance with Halacha, Jewish law, and recognized by the State of Israel.